Materials & Curriculum
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Trust Your Crazy Ideas Challenge JA Catalyst curriculum is provided free of cost to our partner schools and organizations.
We’re here to help. On this page, you’ll find all of the videos used throughout the 7 sessions of the JA Catalyst Curriculum, plus supplemental videos and activities for you and your students to use while they work on their Crazy Ideas.
Have any questions, comments, or additions to this page? Let us know.
Video Resources
Session 1 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Students will learn about the ins and outs of entrepreneurship - who entrepreneurs are, how they come up with their ideas, and how they can begin to turn those ideas into successful businesses.
What is the Trust Your Crazy Ideas Challenge?
Guy Kawasaki at TEDxBerkeley 2014: - "The Art of Innovation."
Supplemental Videos for Session 1:
These four videos are TED talks that discuss the different aspects of coming up with and creating an idea - the beginnings of entrepreneurship. They are entirely optional.
Session 2: User Innovation
Students will learn about the topic of User Innovation and how they can innovate on their own.
User Innovation - Solve YOUR Problem
Shubham Banerjee & Intel Edison | Meet The Makers
Supplemental Videos for Session 2:
These videos are optional videos that discuss innovation.
What is Sustainability?
Sessions 3 - The Business Model Canvas
The Business Model Canvas is a crucial tool that entrepreneurs use when working through their ideas. Students will use the different sections of the Canvas to submit their Crazy Ideas. You can also download a blank copy of the Business Model Canvas here.
The Business Model Canvas - Part 1
The Business Model Canvas - Part 2
The Business Model Canvas - Part 3
Supplemental Videos for Sessions 3 & 4:
These videos are refreshers to remind students of the different sections of the Business Model Canvas - they are mostly useful during Session 4.
2-minute Business Model Canvas Refresher
The Business Model Canvas - 9 Steps to Creating a Successful Business
Sessions 4 - The Pitch
Students will learn what makes up a business pitch and how to create one for their own crazy idea!
Femme Fusion - 2024 TYCIC Regional Champions
Amy Cuddy gives public speaking tips.